Social Media Addiction and Gen Z’s Digital Health (Liz Smith)

Social Media Addiction and Gen Z’s Digital Health (Liz Smith)

Social Media Addiction and Gen Z’s Digital Health (Liz Smith) 2560 1707 Ayush Prakash

Do you feel like you’re addicted to social media, but just can’t seem to break away? You’re not alone. Many of us find ourselves scrolling endlessly, losing track of time, and feeling unable to disconnect even when we know we should. If that sounds like you, keep reading, because I share in this article 3 tips that Liz Smith shared with me on how you can take control of your social media habits.

1. Purposeful Engagement

Instead of passively scrolling, Liz recommends engaging with social media with a purpose. Decide why you’re opening the app—to connect with friends, to get news, or to take a break. Then, stick to that purpose. If you catch yourself mindlessly scrolling, take it as a cue to log off and do something else more fulfilling and aligned with your intentions.

2. Turn Off Notifications

Another effective strategy Liz shares is turning off non-essential notifications. Constant pings and buzzes from our devices can create an urge to check them, keeping us hooked. By silencing these notifications, we can reduce the immediate urge to engage and break the cycle of constant interruption. This allows us to focus on the present moment and engage with social media on our terms.

3. Engage in Other Activities

Liz also suggests finding alternative activities to fill the time we usually spend on social media. Engaging in hobbies, physical exercise, or spending time with loved ones can offer more fulfillment and take our minds off the digital world. By redirecting our attention to activities that promote our well-being and real-world relationships, we can lessen the hold social media has on our daily lives.

If you’re ready to take control of your own life and manage your social media usage, consider these strategies as a starting point. And if you’re looking for more in-depth advice and insights, don’t forget to listen to my full podcast episode with Liz Smith, where we explore even more ways to tackle social media addiction and reclaim your time.